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Turbo Prolog: The Natural Language of Artificial Intelligence

Turbo Prolog is a quite old Prolog system that only works with MS-DOS. This implies serious memory limitations. Also, it uses a special Prolog dialect with typed variables and some other restrictions that does not comply with the Edinborough Standard . However, it is very fast, and contains a convenient visual debugger. I once learned Prolog by observing this debugger...

Turbo Prolog is a fifth-generation computer language that takes programming into a new dimension. Because of its natural, logical approach, both people new to programming and professional programmers can build powerful applications -- such as expert systems, customized knowledge bases, natural language interfaces, and smart information management systems. Turbo Prolog is a declarative language. This means that, given the necessary factsand rules, it can use deductive reasoning to solve programming problems. by contrast, Pascal, BASIC and other traditional computer languages are procedural, the programmer must provide step-by-step procedures telling the computer how to solve problems. The Prolog programmer need only supply a description of the problem (the goal) and the ground rules for solving it, and the Prolog system will determine how to go about a solution.

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